Some of the most successful people in the world use visualization exercises for success. Athletes often envision themselves winning before setting foot in the game, and many celebrities have shared that they envisioned their success before it came. If you’re looking to capitalize on the power of visualization, keep reading!
This post shares 5 Powerful Visualization Exercises for Success
What is Visualization?
Visualization is defined as “the formation of a mental image”. There are many ways of practicing visualization both within your mind or with something tangible. Either way, visualization can be used to motivate success by creating a visual representation of what you want to achieve.
Benefits of Visualization
One of the key benefits of visualization is that it relieves anxiety. Often our goals are something that we haven’t done before, and that unknown can create anxiety or fear. Visualization allows you to rehearse and plan for success, making your mind feel as if the goal has already been achieved. Another benefit of visualization is motivation, creating a visual of our goals can stimulate excitement and push us to take action toward them.
5 Visualization Exercises for Success
1. Create a Vision Board
Vision boards are a great way to practice visualization since you’re creating a literal visual representation of your goals. There are a few tips that will help you best utilize your vision board; one is to use photos that look like you took them yourself vs a bird’s eye view image. This helps trick your brain into believing the photo is of something you’ve already achieved. You also want to keep your vision board in view and engage with it, don’t just create it and forget about it in the back of your closet.
2. Goal Mapping
You can use goal mapping as a form of visualization by creating an actual web or map of the goal. Write down your main intention or word for your goals in the center of the page for example maybe your overall goal or intention is to be bold. From there draw a web or lines to the different areas of your life; career, relationships, health, wealth, etc. Write your goal for each of these different areas and then in bullet points list the steps or tasks you need to complete to achieve them.
3. Affirmation Cards
You can use affirmation cards to visualize the mindset shifts that you need to make to achieve your goals. Affirmations are a great tool for shifting limiting beliefs and negative thoughts into thoughts that serve you. Rather than just reciting them out loud, physically look at the affirmation card and hold it in your hands. There are plenty of amazing affirmation decks out there, some of my favorite ones are made by Gabby Bernstein.
4. Visualization Meditation
If you have an active imagination, visualization meditations are an extremely impactful and free way to drive success. All you have to do is close your days and envision yourself achieving the goal. A great practice is to see yourself setting the goal, moving through the steps you need to take, and then achieving it. Visualize the full process and feel in your body what it will be like to complete it.
5. Act it Out
Remember when you were in high school interviewing for that part-time retail job and the manager made you role-play how you’d interact with a customer? Yeah, I know that was cringe, but role play is an excellent way to use visualization for success. Our subconscious minds don’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not. When we act out our goals we are tricking the mind into thinking we’ve already achieved the goal. The rehearsal also normalizes the achievement and minimizes anxiety around the goal. There’s a reason multiple Oscar winners have practicing their speech beforehand in the mirror in common, it’s because it works!
In Summary:
- Visualization is an important tool for success used by some of the most successful people in the world.
- You practice visualization by bringing a mental image to form.
- Visualization has many benefits, two key benefits are rehearsal and motivation.
- 5 ways you can practice visualization are by; creating a vision board, goal mapping, using affirmation cards, doing a visualization meditation, or acting it out.
This post shared 5 Powerful Visualization Exercises for Success
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